Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cruise Control.

I'm driving down a road.

it's dark

like midnight

like a black hole.

Dark like driving through the country..where there are no street lights for miles.

I drive around a sharp curve

I believe I am following someone

another car ahead.

I slow down

and notice 2 animals laying on their sides


Sandy in color

like the hills it seems I am driving around.

Like whoever was here before me

was unlucky enough

to strike out


Straightening the curve

the road ahead keeps throwing me turns

I seem to be going too fast for

I'm trying to slow down.

My head lights seem to dim

like I'm driving into

the very pits of hell.

A bleeding inkstain.

And I'm losing sight of the vehicle in front of me

nervously trying to turn on my brights

and handle my steering wheel

Before I completely loose control

When my eyes flutter awake

I'm laying on the same old couch

My head wrapped in blankets

My cell phone gripped in my hand

and for some reason

in my half concious state

I keep thinking of you

while my stomach churns.

And I think I may have had another dream

(or maybe more like another nightmare)

where I found myself in a room

in a house I didnt know

in a bathroom I've never seen

with tiles that may have been white

but are stained with grey filth

and dirt in the cracks

and I think I see

6 legged creatures crawling across the floor

When I end up outside

on a nicely manicured lawn

next to a dark sand colored house

like desert clay

I remember seeing your face.

And maybe you were trying to tell me something

but I can't remember a word you may have said.

I'm laying here

on that same old couch

It was 101 degrees outside today.

I took a 30 minute nap

and awoke when the sun was starting to set

with a million questions running through my mind

wondering just what I should do

with this newly acquired

