Monday, April 27, 2009


It's 10pm.Friday night,and he's already asleep.
Outside I can hear people laughing.Drinking.Conversing.

I'm here in this room with perfect hardwood floors.A bed with

expensive sheets.I have someone laying next to me,but in this

moment I haven't felt so alone.

And all I can think about is what I wouldn't give to be back

where I was.

And all I can remember is the smell of popcorn.Dim

lights.Sunscreen and sunburns.Cold nights.I'm realising I'm

already starting to forget your laugh.The sound of your voice.

How much more time will go by before I don't remember you at


You always used to leave a mark.Now my skin has no pigment.

I'm laying in this I'm on an island.His back is

to me,and he might as well be miles away.

And I am thinking of all the things I would be doing tonight if it

were you instead.

I stained those expensive sheets with my memories of you.

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